Survivors need to break the silence against perpetrators. Reporting sextortion or any act of violence can be difficult, but it can also ensure that those who hurt and abuse others are arrested and convicted.

1. How to know if it is sextortion?

Confirm whether these three elements of sextortion have been satisfied:

Q1: Was there an abuse of power? Did the person who asked for sex or a sexual favour occupy a position of authority or power and use their position to extort you?

Q2: Was there an exchange? Was some kind of benefit available to you in exchange for sex or a sexual favour?

Q3: Was there an imbalance of power? Did the perpetrator hold some kind of power over you, whether age, authority, gender, financial power, etc.?

2. What details do I need to provide?

If you can, provide the following details to assist investigators:

  • Name of perpetrator
  • Date and time of the incident
  • Location of incident
  • Narrative of what happened
  • Any supporting messages, such as text messages
  • Effects of the incident on you

3. How to report and stay safe?

You can report a case at any police station. No survivor may be turned away because the incident occurred long ago or was committed at a police station.

Do not report alone! Take family members, friends, activists, or legal representatives with you for support. If you feel unsafe and fear retaliation from the perpetrator, make authorities such as the police aware of your fears. Let trusted friends, family, activists, or community members know you feel unsafe. Access mental health services and other support services available to you.

You can ask to be seen in a private room at the police station and to give your statement to a female police officer. You have a right to be treated with respect for your dignity and to complain if this does not happen.

If you would prefer, you can report anonymously. However, this may affect the authorities’ ability to take action on your report and their ability to provide feedback. Anonymous reports can still assist in developing information about the frequency of these incidents and contribute to policy advocacy initiatives.